Monday, July 18, 2005

5th Meeting: Psychology and Teaching

A small crowd of ETJ members and friends warmly welcomed the guest speaker, Dr. Amy Szarkowski, a Psychology Lecturer at Miyazaki International University, during its 5th meeting held on July 10, 2005.

Dr. Amy Szarkowski with ETJ Coordinator Sayed
Dr. Szarkowski delved on the topic: Psychology and Teaching. She began her presentation by discussing Howard Garner’s concept of Multiple Intelligence- the various ways by which children perceive, understand and learn many different things. The various types of intelligence includes: 1. Verbal/ Linguistic; 2. Logical/ Mathematical; 3. Visual-Spatial; 4. Bodily/ Kinesthetic; 5. Musical/Rhythmic; 6. Interpersonal; and 7 Intrapersonal. On this basis, Dr Szarkowski emphasized that one has to tap or focus on the child’s special type of intelligence in order to help him grow and learn to the fullest of his potentials.

Dr Szarkowski had a lengthy discussion on the use of body movements or sign language as an effective means to teach children. One does not have to be an expert in sign language; Studies have shown that students’ memory retention increase by 70 % when they are allowed to link vocabulary words with movements.

The second topic she presented was on Social Cognition – how culture influences the learning capability of a child, which includes the family, school, the society where the child belongs. Dr Szarkowski also discussed Vygotsky’s concept of “zone of proximal development” as the fastest way to teach children. Working on this realm entails teaching the children “just above what they already know, then challenge them to reach out little more”

The third and final topic she presented was about Bandura’s Social Learning Theory – the four (4) learning processes, which includes: attention, retention, production and motivation.

In conclusion, she stressed that by applying the above three principles, one has to identify the child’s learning ability or special type of intelligence, give proper motivation which results to high memory retention, and therefore brings out the best in every child.

Part II of the meeting was an open forum, a free flowing discussion and exchange of thoughts and ideas related to the topic at hand.

Our sincerest thanks and appreciation to our presenter, Dr. Amy Szarkowski, for generously sharing her time and expertise. And to all those who attended the meeting, thanks for being a part of ETJ-Miyazaki. Hope to see you again!

Presenter’s Profile:

Dr. Amy Szarkowski
Dr. Amy Szarkowski is a Psychology Teacher at Miyazaki International College (MIC) with the following academic citations:

· PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology from Gallaudet University, Washington, DC.

· M.A. on Administration & Supervision from Gallaudet University

· MS on Clinical Psych, Specialist License in Deafness and Mental Health from Richmond, Kentucky, USA.

· B.S. in both Psychology and Health

She teaches courses in the Teacher Certification Program at MIC, working with students who hope to become English teachers in Japan. She works as a consultant for several schools and she has a specialize training in neuropsychology and cognition (how the brain works, learning disabilities, neuropsychiatry)

She enjoys volleyball, running, watching the sunrise, and being around with children. She is interested in learning to play the guitar and learning how to play soccer. She likes good conversations, delicious food, chocolate, and spending time with friends and family.

5th Meeting: Psychology and Teaching (in Japanese)



今回の特別演説者は、現在「宮崎国際大学」で心理学講師として在籍されているDr Amy Szarkowskiさんを招き、少人数のETJメンバー及びその友人らが暖かく迎えました。

Dr Amy Szarkowskiさんは今回の議題である「心理学と教授法」についてよく調べられており、Howard Garnerの多種多様な知能の概念に基づいた内容で講演して下さりました。

子 供達の認知力は多く異なる事を理解し学べる様々な要素があり、その知能には①口頭によるもの/言語によるもの ②論理的/数学的 ③視覚空間的/身体的で 運動感覚的なもの ⑤音楽的/リズム感的なもの ⑥個人間(人間関係的)そして⑦個人内心的なものがあると挙げております。

Dr Amy Szarkowskiさんはこれを基に特別な知能をもつ子共達には彼らが可能性のある限り沢山の事を学べて成長していけるための手助けをしなければならないと強調しました。

 Dr Amy Szarkowskiさ んによる長い議論の中には体を使った動きや手話も子供達への教育にとても有効的ですと語って頂きました。それは熟練された手話である必要はありません。調 査した結果彼らは動きを伴った言葉(語彙)をつなげられていることにより、記憶保守率が70%も増加していると明らかになっているとの事です。


Dr Amy Szarkowskiさんはもっとも即効性のある子供教育に“発展の場所(地域)”についてVygotskyの概念に基づいた議論も提供して下さりました。子供への教育には労力がつきものですが、彼らの実感する以上に彼らの成長は少しずつ変化してきているものです。


つ まり、3つの概念はより以上に応用できると強調されました。学習才能がある子供と特別な知能をもつ子供を同一視する事、子供に合ったちょうどいい何か動機 づけ(意欲)を与えるとその結果、学習する中において高い記憶力を得られる事ができそれゆえにすべての子供達が発揮できとてもいい事であると述べていただ きました。


今回の演説者Dr Amy Szarkowskiさんには専門家の意見を豊富に教えて下さり、私達にその貴重なお話を頂きまたその時間を共有できたことを心から感謝いたします。 有難うございました。



Dr Amy Szarkowski プロフィール







