Thursday, May 26, 2005

Psychology and Sign Language as a Teaching Tool

ETJ’s next meeting will be on July 10, 2005 with the topic " Psychology and Sign Language as a Teaching Tool" with our guest-presenter, Amy Szarkowski, Ph.D. Fellow in Comparative Cultures from Miyazaki International College.

Everyone is invited! Admission is FREE!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

4th Meeting: Music as a Teaching Tool

Originally uploaded by ETJMiyazaki.

A total of 22 members and guests attended the ETJ Miyazaki's 4th meeting held on May 15, 2005. It started with a Welcome Remarks given by Mr. Sayed Mohamed, Coordinator. It was followed by a brief introduction about ETJ and an introduction of the presenters, given by Ms. Rumiko Kawano, Secretary.

The meeting comprised of two parts: Part 1 delve on the various presentation of invited guest-presenters and Part 2 was an open forum - a group discussion about the topic at hand.

PART 1: Three presenters shared their ideas and teaching strategies focusing on the topic “Music as a Teaching Tool”

First was Mr. Bradley Yaxley . He stressed that any teacher can use music as an effective teaching tool, one does not necessary need to be musician. His general advice on how to bring music into the classroom includes: 1) Use of appropriate materials, 2) Begin with small movement songs, 3) Give children time to explore and add their ideas, 4) Keep the pace moving, 5) Keep verbal directions to a minimum, and 6) Stop before children get bored or tired. Likewise, he presented pointers on how music can be effectively used in the classroom according to age group of children; then it was followed by a demonstration of some songs and finger plays.

Next presenters were Mr. Miles Kaizawa and Mr. Anthony Guy, both demonstrated how to chant using of a rhythm box. They both stressed that with rhythm accompanied by total physical response, children get to practice various words over a hundred times without being bored. Rhythm makes learning fun and easy. Likewise, it gives them the confidence to speak out and participate actively in the classroom.

PART II. Second part of the meeting was a group discussion focusing on the same topic, Music as a Teaching Tool. There was a meaty exchange of ideas, opinions, tips and sharing of experiences on how to make the classroom lively using music.

Presenters’ Profile:

Mr. Bradley Edward Yaxley is from Australia. He had worked as a private English Teacher for a total of 6 years. He established and operated Joey English School since 2001

Mr. Miles Kaizawa is from Hawaii, USA. He had been living in Japan for 8 years; He has been teaching English privately most of the time and has been ALT in the Elementary Schools for 3 years.

Mr. Anthony Guy is from Trinidad and Tobago, a professional musician, and an ALT in elementary schools for 3 years.

@by marley

Friday, May 20, 2005

4th Meeting: Music as a Teaching Tool (Japanese version)






コーディネーターを務めるSayed Mohamed氏による歓迎の挨拶で始まり続いて、秘書である河野留美子さんがETJについて簡単な説明及び講演者らの紹介をしていただきました。



1.講演者:(Bradley Yaxley氏)/ 彼はどの先生でもなおかつミュージシャンでなくても音楽を使った教え方は効果的であると強調しました。

一 般的なアドバイスをすると、①相応しい教材を使うこと、②ちょっとした動きを取り入れた歌から始めていくこと、③子ども達が出したアイデアを受け入れまた 発案する機会を与えること④ペース感覚的な動きも加え継続性があること、⑤ことばの指示を最低限にして、⑥なおかつ子ども達が疲れなく退屈させないことで あるとともに、 授業で使う音楽は子ども達にとって効果的であると示していただきました。それから参考にいくつかの歌と指遊びを披露して頂きました。

2.講演者(Miles Kaizawa氏と,Anthony Guy氏)






議題は「教育手段においての心理学と手話について」講演者は Amy Szarkowski,Ph..宮崎国際大学 比較文化部 教授


Bradley Edward Yaxley氏


19941995 一年間東京で英語教師として勤める

19962001 英語教師として働く。

20012005 現在、「Joey 英会話学校」の経営者である

Miles Kaizawa氏


Anthony Guy氏


    以 上